Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need a GP referral to receive physiotherapy services?
Generally, no. However, a GP referral will be required if you are receiving treatment for a Chronic Disease Management Plan (Medicare), a Worker's Compensation claim, a Motor Accident Authority claim, or if you are a DVA Card Holder.
Q: How can I make an appointment?
Q: What should I bring to my first appointment?
If applicable to you, it is important that you bring the following items to your first appointment:
- Your Private Health Insurance Card (if you are privately insured and wish to claim on the day of service-conditions apply)
- Your Medicare Card (only required if you are receiving treatment under a Chronic Disease Management Plan).
- Your DVA Card (if you are a DVA Health Card Holder- conditions apply)
- Your GP referral (if you have been issued a referral by your GP, or if you are receiving treatment under a Chronic Disease Management Plan, a Worker's Compensation Claim, a Motor Accidents Authority Claim or as a DVA card holder)
- Any documentation, correspondance or imaging relating to the condition for which you are seeking treatment.
Q: How many physiotherapy sessions will I need?
It varies. Some may require only one-two sessions, whilst those in chronic and complex conditions will require more intervention. Your Physiotherapist will discuss this with you at your initial consult.
Q: Are my physiotherapy sessions covered by a Private Health Insurance rebate?
If your policy covers you for physiotherapy, you may be eligible to claim a rebate. Please contact your fund for information specific to your policy. Our Hicaps system enables you to claim rebates on the day of service (conditions apply).
Q: Are my physiotherapy sessions covered by Medicare?
Unfortunately, no. Physiotherapy is currently not covered by a Medicare Rebate. However, you may be eligible to receive a Medicare subsidy under the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) program. These programs enable GPs to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic medical conditions who require multidisciplinary, team-based care from a GP and at least two other health care providers. A chronic medical condition is one that has been present for six months or longer. There is no list of eligible conditions. Whether a patient is eligible for CDM services is a clinical judgement for the GP, taking into account the patient’s medical condition and care needs. If the GP determines that a CDM program is appropriate, he or she will assess the patient, agree upon management goals with the patient, identify actions to be taken by the patient, and identify treatment and ongoing services to be provided. The GP provides a referral to the Physiotherapist and must lodge a claim with Medicare. The patient may then be eligible to attend up to 5 Physiotherapy sessions with a $52.95* subsidy for each session. It is advisable that you see your GP, to discuss your eligibility. If you are claiming a medicare subsidy, such as a Chronic Disease Management Plan subsidy, you are responsible for ensuring that your plan has been lodged by your GP. Please feel free to contact Medicare prior to your appointment. Whilst you will be required to pay the full amount for your Physiotherapy consult on the day of service, if Medicare have confirmed your eligibility, you can expect to receive a rebate from Medicare within 24hrs**.
*This may be subject to change, please contact Medicare for more information.
**This may be subject to change, please contact Medicare for more information. Upper Mountains Physiotherapy is not responsible for any Medicare transactions.
Q: Do I need to pay for my physiotherapy session on the day of service?
Unless you are seeking treatment for a Worker's Compensation Claim, Motor Accident Authority Claim, or as a Department of Veterans Affairs Card holder, yes. We accept cash, eftpos, visa and mastercard (charges apply). Our Hicaps system enables us to swipe your private health insurance card on the day of service, and immediately claim for your Physiotherapy session (conditions apply, contact your health insurance fund for more information). If you are claiming a medicare subsidy, such as a Chronic Disease Management Plan subsidy (see below), payment will be required on the day of service. If Medicare have confirmed your eligibility and you bring your medicare card to your appointment, you can expect to receive a rebate from Medicare within 24hrs*.You are responsible for ensuring that your plan has been lodged by your GP. Please feel free to contact Medicareprior to your appointment. *Conditions apply. This may be subject to change. Please contact Medicare for more information. Upper Mountains Physiotherapy is not responsible for any Medicare transactions.
Q: Can I seek treatment for a WorkCover claim?
Yes. Please bring your GP referral and any relevant correspodance or imaging to your initial consultation. Our physiotherapists are Work Cover NSW approved.
Q: Am I eligible to attend as a DVA Heath Card holder?
Yes, under certain conditions. To be eligible, you will need to hold a DVA Health Card issued by DVA, or have written authorisation on behalf of the Repatriation Commiission or the MRCC. DVA Gold Card Holders are entitled to access physiotherapy provided they have a referral from a GP, Medical Specialist or Hospital Discharge Planner. Referrals remain active for twelve months from the date of referral and referral dates cannot overlap from one twelve month period to the next. Your physiotherapist is responsible for determining the type, number and frequency of treatments provided. This determination must be based on your clinical needs and be part of a treatment plan agreed upon by you, which includes the anticipated type and frequency of treatments and the goals expected of the treatment. This care will be delivered in consultation with your GP or medical specialist, where appropriate. Under these conditions, physiotherapy is provided at no extra cost to you. If you are a DVA white card holder or reside in a residential aged care facility, further conditions apply. Your GP will be able to determine your eligibility, and provide further information. It is essential that you bring your DVA Health Card to all appointments, and your GP referral to your initial Physiotherapy consult. If you have any questions, you can visit the DVA website, view the DVA factsheets, or call DVA general enquires on 133 254 (metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 254 (regional callers). You may also email DVA at . If you have any questions regarding our Physiotherapy service, you may also contact us directly.
Q: Is the premise wheelchair accessible with level access and parking?
Yes. Level access is available from the parking area, which is located on the southern aspect of the premise. The practice has been fitted with doorways and bathrooms capable of accommodating wheelchairs.
Q: It is difficult for me to attend appointments in the community. Can I request a home visit?
Yes. Upper Mountains Physiotherapy provides home visits to some areas for some conditions. Please contact us via phone or email and we will be more than happy to discuss with you the possibility of conducting a home visit.